"The performance gains a further sense of front-to- back depth and the already excellent bass response enjoys gains in detail and impact."
Ed Seeley (HiFi Choice) Tests out the Tyco and Helios Mains Cable in his system to showcase their impressive performance! Check out some of the best bits of the review.
Tyco Mains Cable
"In performance terms, there is de nitely something to be said for this dedicated approach. Adding the Tyco rst to a system of the Moon 230HAD and Naim Supernait 2 sees a subtle but worthwhile step forward in the space and three dimensionality of the overall performance. Most usefully, this is not achieved at the expense of any forced emphasis on vocals or principle instruments.
Helios Mains Cable
The effect of the Helios is more pronounced, but this may be as much to do with the amp responding more positively to such changes. The performance gains a further sense of front-to- back depth and the already excellent bass response enjoys gains in detail and impact."