The "No Nonsense" Ares is Highly Recommended!

"A No Nonsense Cool Factor."

Eric van Spelde (HiFi Pig) offers customers the reassurance that the Ares is the Mains Block for you! Check out some of the best bits of the review, or read the full review below:

Read the Full Review

Ares Mains Cable

"This, in principle, was A Very Good Thing to me (and hardly ever seen on ´serious´ HiFi mains distribution units) in this particular case, as it saved me from reaching for the individual switches on the back of four awkwardly placed monoblock power amps. I feared that switching four amps (plus the phono stage and line preamp) on all at once would blow the living room group´s main fuse, but thankfully that didn´t materialize."

"The first thing I noticed is that it got rid of a permanent hiss from the high-frequency amps/drivers that before, had been very noticeable when standing in front of the speakers – especially from the turntable rig. Obviously, this alone dropped the noise floor in the mid and high frequencies rather significantly, as well as removing a source of annoyance whenever no music was playing…"

"The Ares did an excellent job of cutting noise from my system´s power supply which resulted in drastically reduced hiss, and a very noticeable lowering of the sound floor. Also, it proved far less of a bottleneck to current flow than other affordable mains distribution solutions which was very noticeable in the bass registers"

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